August 6, 2012


I've always tried to live my life with no regrets, but many disappointments cannot be avoided no matter what you do - it's part of the game. You can move on and learn, but regrets are a different story - they hurt and are hard to fix.  As I get older and look back on different times and seasons in my life I've realized I do have quite a few regrets.  Regrets I tried to avoid at all costs and still they are there. Disappointments are not too hard to clean up - you dont repeat the matter.  You learn why things didnt work out, many times its people that need to be cut loose, or situations - you learn and move on. Regrets are on a different level tho - many times the damage cannot be reversed.  How do you move forward from a regret you cannot change or fix?  I'm finding that I can move forward, but I cannot change the situation.  Regrets seem to happen when many other stressers are happening in life and the stress clouds your judgment or as your dealing with the stress the best you can at the time - other things in life suffer and the wrong decisons lead to regrets.

Sometimes I think it's the times we live in when we are totally honest with people and tell them how we think or feel about a situation or problem and people feel you are letting out cutting remarks.  They feel damaged by the truth - their feelings are hurt. They don't rememeber the good things you say and feel and they dont listen to anything all in the name of protecting their feelings. This is a great weakness in people - especially young people.  I find people turning to me and wanting to know what I think and what they really want is for me to agree with them. 

I have 4 children and they all like to hold me accountable for things that they really should be accountable for themselves.  I wonder if other Fathers go thru this?  Kids these days like to blame everybody and everything thing for their problems and short comings.  When told the truth they rebel and then wonder why things don't work out so well.  Then they are ill prepared for the world they are thrust into. 
When I was young I wouldnt listen to anybody.  I grew up without a father of which I have no regets.  I know my mother has some regrets, but she shouldn't because she taught me to be accountable for my own life.  It was a very hard lesson at the time, but it has proved to be a very valuable assest.  I am more than willing to be accountable for my mistakes and short comings because there is alot of freedom in that. I am willing to be accountable for my regrets, but figuring out how to clean them up is the challenge. Regrets that involve other people need all parties trying to reach the answers - without that, it might be impossible.

So what does a person do to make wrongs into rights?  I dont care about being right - I just want to win and want my friends, fighters and loved ones to win.  I mean anybody can teach technique or teach a young athlete how to fight, but teaching them how to win is a much better road, and not just in the cage, but in all aspects of life--that is the challange for today!

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