I learned how to corner a fighter in boxing first, pretty much just helping friends, and being cornered myself by good boxing men.  There are some basic rules that some in MMA have not learned yet - now most MMA corners are as good as it gets no doubt, but MMA being a newer sport I think some coaches are just unaware.  A boxing corner never leaves their fighter.  One of the corners is with him from the minute they leave for the plane, or the car - depending on where the fight is.  They try and do even the smallest thing they can for the fighter.  This is to give your guy the ability to concentrate on nothing but his fight, to stay relaxed and not get stressed either physically or mentally.   I can remember an  MMA show once - the fight was over and the losing fighter had to do his piss test and Doctor exam by himself - actually I have seen this a few times - the corners wanted to see the crowd, watch the fights and do interviews.  I am literally appalled by this - your fighter is your responsibilty period!!!!  If you are not able to put your fighter before everything from the time he leaves for his fight until the show not the fight but the show is over - in my opinion you should not be a corner.  You are there to protect your fighter from everybody and everything - you are the go between with your fighter and the promoter. 

You need to be there for any Doctor or Commision interviews, any media interviews - upholding your fighters image, reputation, well being etc etc etc... in order to perform at his maximum level that he has been hired to do, your fighter needs to feel confident that he is not alone in this endeaver.   He needs to know that if he loses he does not do so alone that somebody is watching his opponent, his opponets corners, the Ref, the crowd, the commision - these things should not be the fighters worry, the fighter is putting his ass on the line and you are there to protect that ass!!!!

Watch my blogs for tips and to do's on cornering

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