Some strange things that get me to thinking--when I was in South Africa, I saw alot of poverty and starvation, try telling a starving African that you can get to heavy from eating to much food and then get disability because of it in the USA, or if my daughter in High School has a headache the nurse wont give her an aspirin unless we fill out consent papers but she can go down the road and get an abortion, with no questions asked. why do they call Reality shows real? why is it if 10 crossbred cur pit bulls attack somebody or something they want to outlaw the whole breed? Why do we go to war and not try and win?? Why do we make more laws when we dont enforce the ones already on the books? Why do traffic tickets ALWAYS cost money?? Why do people say I own my house free and clear? if that person dont pay Uncle Sam taxes he wont have a house any more but he will be free and clear on the curb. Anybody ever figure out the mind of our most valuable resource-Woman? whats the difference between violence and gun violence? does it matter if you get killed with a gun or a hammer? I dont have the answers to these questions, I do know people who dont want to go to hell find religion and people who already have been there find Spirituality--I know why two men go into a cage or a ring and beat each other into submission and hug each other afterwards-I know a dog is only as good as the parents before him-I know people seldom rise above their leadership, but when they do great changes occur, I have learned the hard way we usually get what we deserve good or bad-we reap what we sow-I know in this world we need to be strong or smart--smart lasts longer
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